Blogging App


Features added till now:

  • ✅Authentication part.✅(Complete)
    • 1.Login and register.✅
    • 2.Password Encryption.✅
    • 3.Login and logout sessions using cookies.✅
    • 4.Email verification.✅
  • Credentials Update
    • Brainstorming, not started yet.💡💡🤔🤔.

This is a ongoing project and i am adding all the parts step by step..

  • Route Structure
    • /feed
    • /feed/:id
    • /user/profile
    • /user/:id
    • /user/new
    • /user/:id/edit
    • /user/blog/:id/edit
    • /user/login
    • /user/

Run the repo


  • I have used Sendgrids api key to send emails ( Get their API key)
  • For the database connectivity you need to go to mongodb atlas and create a database and get the MongoURI
  • You need to provide a session id (a random one)

All the above requirements must be done and you should make a .env file in the repo with all the API keys.

Run the repo

npm install
npm start

Contribution and Issues

Please add a issue and make a pul request if there are any errors..