
My go-to project for learning new programming languages

Primary LanguageRust

Guessing Game

This guessing game is my go-to project for learning new programming languages. Shamelessly stolen (with gratitude ❤️) from the official rust programming language guide, it's intended to be completed in an active-learning style with the aid of the official docs for the language and LearnXInYMinutes. I have added additional requirements (beyond what's contained in the rust book) which are meant to give the programmer the opportunity to expose themselves to several important aspects of any programming language. These include:

  • Basic data-types (bool, int, float, string, etc.)
  • I/O and string formatting
  • error handling (exceptions, result types, or whatever the de facto best pratices are)
  • random numbers / random data generation
  • imports and packages
  • abstact data types (lists, hash tables, BSTs, etc.)
  • classes/modules/etc.
  • algebraic data-types (records/variants), if supported
  • threading / async programming

The specification for the guessing game can be found in SPECIFICATION.

Note that because this repo is intended to be for my own education, pull requests will (most likely) not be accepted. If you'd like to implement this guessing game in your own favorite language, feel free to fork the specification.