
Node module for converting Office MathML objects to images

Primary LanguageXSLTMIT LicenseMIT


Node module for converting Office MathML objects to images in PNG, GIF and JPEG formats


Use npm to install package

npm install omml2img


The usage of module is very simple. All you need is pass to a Promise-function named renderFromString omml-text and options for renderer (optional). In then-method you will get the image data (if everything succes) or error in the catch-method. For example:

require('omml2img').renderFromString(string_with_omml, {file_type: 'jpeg', encoding: 'base64' })
.then(function (image) {
    console.log('OK! The image is', image.data);
.catch(function (err) {
    console.error('Oops :(', err);


There are few options that you can pass to a renderFromString function in options object:

  • tmp_dir - Path to temporary directory. Default - files in the module directory
  • encoding - In which encoding image data will be returned. Default - utf8
  • backgroundColor - Background color of image file. Default - white
  • fontColor - Font size uses in image file. Default - 40
  • file_type - File type for image. Default - png
  • remove_file - Flag for a delete a temporary files. Default - true

Also are avaliabe two options for debugging:

  • debug - Option to enable debug logging. Default - false
  • colorize - Option to colorize log output. Default - false

Dependencies & Requirements

The module uses JEuclid that work on Java. So Java must be installed on machine. The libraries and programms you must install too use module: