
Microsoft icons prepared for use in plantuml

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Microsoft icon set for plantuml

This has been deprecated in favor of Azure-PlantUML by RicardoNiepel which is now PlantUml stdlib

Inspired by plantuml-icon-font-sprites, I donwloaded Microsoft icon set, extracted and made .puml files.

Furthermore I have included the new Office 2019 Icons from this medium article

Both resized images and sprites are available.

See the samples

How to use

!define MS_SPRITESPATH https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jballe/plantuml-microsoft-icons/master/sprites
!includeurl MS_SPRITESPATH/Enterprise/Web_server.puml

For each icon there is defined variables for three images, a greyscale, a color and a black and white version, all resized to 48x48 pixels.

database "Active directory in black and white \n MSIMG_AZUREACTIVEDIRECTORY_B" as ad
database "Active directory in color \n MSIMG_AZUREACTIVEDIRECTORY_C" as ad
database "Active directory in gray \n MSIMG_AZUREACTIVEDIRECTORY_G" as ad

There is also defined a plantuml native sprite based on the black and white image.

component "<$azureactivedirectory>"