This is the official replacement for the old Ehcache-Standalone Pounder. The standalone pounder has been depreciated, as it contains legacy code, which is outdated and may cause issues with newer versions.
The aim of the new V2 version, is to simplify the user management and configuration as well as add newer features to the pounder, such as the Search API.
This is a small app that exercises the characteristics of the Enterprise Ehcache tiered store, including BigMemory and the disk store.
Software and/or updates can be found here:
You must use a version of Enterprise Ehcache that supports BigMemory to use this application. You may download an evaluation copy of Enterprise Ehcache and the license key from
See the tutorial material on
Before you can use the pounder, make sure that you place the ehcache core libraries in the pounder "libs" directory.
- ehcache-core-ee.jar
- ehcache-terracotta-ee-x.x.x.jar
- terracotta-toolkit-x.x-runtime-ee-y.y.y.jar
The libraries (and their versions) are referenced from within the startup scripts, please make sure to amend them if needed. (It may be easier to just rename the files to match the references in the startup scripts - that way, you won't need to change all of the startup scripts ;))
Alter the configuration as set in the config.yml and ehcache.xml file.
IMPORTANT: The offHeapSize in the config file + the heap size on the java commandline + the memory needed by the OS MUST be less than the physical memory on the machine.
NOTE: To alter the heap size, you must edit
threadCount The number of execution threads to run against the TSA.
entryCount The Total number of entries to load into the cache.
batchCount How often to print the current status and change the entry size for each thread.
maxValueSize Max size in bytes of the value portion of the entry (a random number is picked below this).
minValueSize Min size in bytes of the value portion of the entry (a random number is picked above this).
hotSetPercentage Percentage of time you hit an entry from the on-heap portion of the cache (see maxOnHeapCount).
rounds Number of times your execute entryCount operations matching the above config elements.
updatePercentage Number of times out of 100 that an entry is updated.
searchPercentage Number of times out of 100 that an entry is searched for.
ehcacheFileURL Specify where to find the ehcache.xml file. By default it should be in the root directory, use: ehcache.xml
ehcacheFileCacheName The ehcache file can contain several caches. Please specify here, which cache to use from the ehcache.xml file. For example: myTestCache