
TensorFlow Op that encapsulates Arcade Learning Environment

Primary LanguageC++


TF-Ale-Op is a TensorFlow Op that makes it possible to include the Arcade Learning Environment into the computational graph without the overhead of dealing with python interface and feed_dict.

It accepts a single scalar tensor as action and returns a reward, end-of-episode flag, observation tuple. The Op is thread-safe and multiple environments can be run in parallel.

Build instructions

sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev cmake
cd Arcade-Learning-Environment
mkdir build && cd build

If you installed tensorflow binary package and are using GCC version 5 or later run:


If you compiled tensorflow from source or are using GCC version 4 run:

make -j && make install
  • clone this repository
  • python setup.py install

Basic usage example

import tensorflow as tf
from aleop import ale

session = tf.Session()

a = tf.placeholder(tf.int32)
step = ale(a, "pong", frameskip_min=2, frameskip_max=5)

reward, done, screen = session.run(step, feed_dict={a: 3})