
Jinja Template - Paper Dashboard | AppSeed

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION

Jinja Template project generated by AppSeed on top of a Paper Dashboard design (free version). The project is a super simple Flask project WITHOUT database, ORM, or any other hard dependency. The project can be used as a codebase for future project or to migrate the Jinja files and assets to a legacy Python-based project that uses Jinja as template engine (Flask, Bottle, Django).


  • UI Kit: Paper Dashboard (Free Version) by Creative-Tim
  • Render Engine: Flask / Jinja2
  • Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn/Nginx, HEROKU
  • Support via Github (issues tracker) and Discord.


Vendor Notes - Paper Dashboard2 is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard with a large number of components, designed to look neat and organized. If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, this dashboard is the thing for you. It combines colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics. Paper Dashboard 2 comes packed with all plugins that you might need inside a project and documentation on how to get started. It is light and easy to use, and also very powerful.

Template Jinja2 Theme - Template project provided by AppSeed.

Build from sources

$ # Clone the sources
$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/jinja-paper-dashboard.git
$ cd jinja-paper-dashboard
$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Unix based systems)
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Windows based systems)
$ # virtualenv env
$ # .\env\Scripts\activate
$ # Install requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ # Set the FLASK_APP environment variable
$ (Unix/Mac) export FLASK_APP=run.py
$ (Windows) set FLASK_APP=run.py
$ (Powershell) $env:FLASK_APP = ".\run.py"
$ # Set up the DEBUG environment
$ # (Unix/Mac) export FLASK_ENV=development
$ # (Windows) set FLASK_ENV=development
$ # (Powershell) $env:FLASK_ENV = "development"
$ # Run the Jinja Template
$ # --host= - expose the app on all network interfaces (default
$ # --port=5000    - specify the app port (default 5000)  
$ flask run --host= --port=5000
$ # Access the UI in browser:

Code-base structure

The project has a simple structure, represented as bellow:

   |-- app/__init__.py
   |-- app/
   |    |-- static/
   |    |    |-- <css, JS, images>         # CSS files, Javascripts files
   |    |
   |    |-- templates/
   |    |    |
   |    |    |-- includes/                 # Page chunks, components
   |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |-- navigation.html      # Top bar
   |    |    |    |-- sidebar.html         # Left sidebar
   |    |    |    |-- scripts.html         # JS scripts common to all pages
   |    |    |    |-- footer.html          # The common footer
   |    |    |
   |    |    |-- layouts/                  # App Layouts (the master pages)
   |    |    |    |
   |    |    |    |-- base.html            # Used by common pages like index, UI
   |    |    |    |-- base-fullscreen.html # Used by auth pages (login, register)
   |    |    |
   |    |  index.html                      # The default page
   |    |  login.html                      # Auth Login Page
   |    |  register.html                   # Auth Registration Page
   |    |  page-404.html                   # Error 404 page (page not found)
   |    |  page-500.html                   # Error 500 page (server error)
   |    |    *.html                        # All other pages provided by the UI Kit
   |-- requirements.txt
   |-- run.py
   |-- ************************************************************************


The project comes with a basic configuration for Docker, Gunicorn, and Waitress.

Docker execution

The steps to start the template using Docker:

Get the code

$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/jinja-paper-dashboard.git
$ cd jinja-paper-dashboard

Start the app in Docker

$ sudo docker-compose pull && sudo docker-compose build && sudo docker-compose up -d

Visit http://localhost:5005 in your browser. The app should be up & running.

Gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX.

Install using pip

$ pip install gunicorn

Start the app using gunicorn binary

$ gunicorn --bind run:app
Serving on http://localhost:8001

Visit http://localhost:8001 in your browser. The app should be up & running.

Waitress (Gunicorn equivalent for Windows) is meant to be a production-quality pure-Python WSGI server with very acceptable performance. It has no dependencies except ones that live in the Python standard library.

Install using pip

$ pip install waitress

Start the app using waitress-serve

$ waitress-serve --port=8001 run:app
Serving on http://localhost:8001

Visit http://localhost:8001 in your browser. The app should be up & running.

Credits & Links

Jinja Paper Dashboard - Provided by AppSeed Web App Generator.