Built with Parcel, but code wise is entirely React.
mkdir ~/projects/my_project
cd ~/projects/my_project
git clone git@github.com:my_project/my_app.git
cd ~/projects/my_project/my_app
docker-compose run --rm npm install
docker-compose up -d
This should be done for you via CI/CD, but in case you need to manually push some artifacts. This assumes you have credentials within ~/.aws, and set the value of AWS_PROFILE
appropriately in the docker-compose.override.yml file.
docker-compose run --rm npm run build
docker-compose run --rm aws s3 sync /usr/src/app/dist s3://com.my_project
# and if you're in a rush...
docker-compose run --rm aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id asdf1234asdf1234 --paths "/index.html"
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