
pl0 compiler writen in C++

Primary LanguageC++


This is a compiler for pl0 programming language writen in C++

Introduction of pl0

pl0 is similar to but much simpler than the general-purpose programming language Pascal,intend as an educational programming language. It serves as an example of how to construct a compiler.


program = block "." .

block = [ "const" ident "=" number {"," ident "=" number} ";"]
        [ "var" ident {"," ident} ";"]
        { "procedure" ident ";" block ";" } statement .

statement = [ ident ":=" expression | "call" ident 
              | "?" ident | "!" expression 
              | "begin" statement {";" statement } "end" 
              | "if" condition "then" statement 
              | "while" condition "do" statement ].

condition = "odd" expression |
            expression ("="|"#"|"<"|"<="|">"|">=") expression .

expression = [ "+"|"-"] term { ("+"|"-") term}.

term = factor {("*"|"/") factor}.

factor = ident | number | "(" expression ")".


  • make
  • ./pl0 "filepath"
  • "exec the program"
  • make clean


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