Clone this repo first. You'll need local files:
git clone
cd graphite-clickhouse-tldr
cd compose
docker-compose up
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Host | Container | Service |
80 | 80 | nginx |
2003 | 2003 | carbon receiver - plaintext |
2004 | 2004 | carbon receiver - pickle |
2006 | 2006 | carbon receiver - prometheus remote write |
This install assumes you can install the clickhouse-operator in the kube-system namespace. See
cd k8s
sleep 10 #wait for operator
kubectl apply -f stats-conf.yaml #note, you may need to tweak
kubectl apply -f ch-stats.yaml
sleep 10 #you should watch for clickhouse to finish coming up:
watch kubectl get pods # ctrl-c out when the pods are ready
kubectl apply -f services.yaml
watch kubectl get pods # ctrl-c out when services are online
kubectl port-forward service/stat-web 9000:80
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