Chit Chat
A simple chat app backed by various firebase technologies.
Database structure
The data in the app is stored in a firestore database collection using this structure.
chatrooms: Collection
id: autoID
name: String
description: String
timestamp: Timestamp
messages: Collection
id: autoID
user: String
profileImageUrl: String
timestamp: TimeStamp
imageUrl: String
imageReference: String
The app assumes that there is a collection called chatrooms and with at least one document with the following fields set:
- name
- description
- timestamp
If any of these field are omitted, the chat room will not appear on the chat room list.
Users can upload images to chat aswell as text, images are stored on Firebase Storage in the folder /images
Push notifications
If an app user would to receive push notifications, the app subscribes the user to a topic on FCM. A cloud function monitoring the chat rooms for new messages must be installed for this to work. There is one included in /cloudfunctions
Check out the official docs for installation: