
SED Challenge.

Primary LanguageGo

SED Coding Challenge

Conor Ney

I decided to contrast two approaches to the problem. One using the standard library, and the other using a more expressive regex engine.

Go's stdlib regexp package is powered by the RE2 regex engine. RE2 is much more limited in it's expressive power than most other regex engines; namely, it does not support backreferences or lookarounds. The reasoning for this absence is to guarantee match time linear to the length of the string using any arbitrary regular expression from users.

In order to solve the problem using simply a regular expression you would need to utilize those missing features. Particularly for the last condition in the problem: no more than four consecutive repeated digits. In lieu of that, with the regexp package solution, I just implemented a short loop to satisfy that final condition.

Alternatively, I also found a more expressive regex package, regexp2, which fully implements PCRE. This solution was drastically shorter(a 6 line function), although after benchmarking the two approaches, the solution using the standard library was approximately 15x-17x faster.


Benchmark Time per operation Bytes allocated per operation Allocations per operation
BenchmarkValidateRE2-8 167.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkValidatePCRE-8 2553 ns/op 80 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkValidateInputRE2-8 120468 ns/op 4098 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkValidateInputPCRE-8 2086367 ns/op 73531 B/op 1001 allocs/op

It's unclear to me without looking further into the matter whether this is an inherent property of the complex regular expression, which would be surprising to me given the extremely small size of the input strings. I think it's more likely that the regexp2 package is simply very unoptimized.

To that extent, I ran a benchmark comparing the performance of the stdlib regexp package with the regexp2 package, performing the exact same operation:

Benchmark Time per operation Bytes allocated per operation Allocations per operation
BenchmarkValidateRE2-8 168.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkValidatePCRESideBySide-8 531.2 ns/op 80 B/op 1 allocs/op

We're a lot closer here, but it's still 3x as slow, and looking at further comparisons here (wish I had seen this before I picked it) it's evident that the regexp2 package is among the poorer performing libraries available.

All in all, when matching a string the size of a credit card number, a better optimized regex engine should be able to perform excellently.


Best Regexp Alternative For Go

Discusses the performance and capabilities of various regex engines for Go.

Regular Expression Matching in the Wild

Part 3 of a famous series of articles by Russ Cox detailing the implementation of RE2, the engine behind Go's stdlib regex package.