
Queue up a list of functions and specify how many workers should be used to run those functions.

Primary LanguageElixir


Queue up a list of functions and specify how many workers should be used to run those functions.


I've had cases where I had a list of a few hundred independent long running operations that needed to happen. In each of the cases, the operations couldn't all happen at once since they depended on a finite set of resources. Having 8 or so of them happen at once though can be a significant performance boost.

Installation / Dependency

Add exeque to your mix.exs dependencies with whatever version you'd like to depend on:

def deps do
  [ {:exeque, "~> x.y.z"} ]


You specify the queue name, the list of functions that need to be run, and how many workers you'd like to be running at once to empty the queue.

def eggcellent(multiplier \\ 1) do
  sleep_time = 200 * multiplier
  IO.puts "Started - #{sleep_time} ms"
  IO.puts "Finished - #{sleep_time} ms"

jobs = [
  fn -> eggcellent    end,
  fn -> eggcellent(8) end,
  fn -> eggcellent(3) end,
  fn -> eggcellent    end,
  fn -> eggcellent(4) end,
  fn -> eggcellent    end,
  fn -> eggcellent    end,

Exeque.enque(:egg_queue, jobs)
Exeque.process(:egg_queue, 3)

The worker processes are created when you call process/2. The function blocks until the queue is empty.

You can also do it all in one function if you'd like:

Exeque.create_enque_and_process("queue_name", jobs, 8)