
the docker file for etcd based on centos7

Primary LanguageShell


the docker file for etcd based on centos7

run a standalone server, must specify the ip which client will connect to. otherwise etcdclt will not work. you also can mount the specific dir to the etcd dir

docker run -d --name etcd -p 8001:4001  -e ETCD_DATA_DIR=/etcd/data -e ADV_URLS= duffqiu/etcd

run a local cluster in one container

docker run -d --name etcd-cluster -p 9001:9001 -p 4001:4001 -p 4002:4002 -p 4003:4003 duffqiu/etcd /etcd/start-local-cluster

run mutilple nodes to setup a cluster (FIXME: how to set the advertise urls)

  • run a contain with etcd daemon command and follow the cluster parameters in office document: etcd configuration
  • for example, node1 docker run -d --name etcd1 -p 4001:4001 duffqiu/etcd /etcd/etcd <parameters>

using etcdctl client

  • get the etcd server's ip: etcd_ip=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <etcd container's name>)
  • call the client command: docker run --rm duffqiu/etcd "/etcd/etcdctl -C http://$etcd_ip:4001 member list"
  • note: you have to use the quotation to include the etcdctl command and its parameters