
Python Boto3 and AWS Lambda

Primary LanguagePython

Boto3, Python, AWS Lambda tutorial part 2, 3, and 4

Code and instructions for part 2, 3, and 4: https://github.com/cleesmith/boto3_test

For part 1 see: https://github.com/cleesmith/get_html_head_title_tag

Part 2

Install Boto3

sudo pip install boto3
  • ensure that there is a [default] profile for boto3 to find:
nano ~/.aws/credentials

Simple test

create/edit s3_buckets.py :

import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
for bucket in s3.buckets.all():
python s3_buckets.py … to a list of your S3 buckets

Try our lambda function from Part 1

  • review code in invoke.py
  • run/test in terminal: time python invoke.py
  • compare to running the function locally

A more realistic approach

While it’s ok to trigger a lambda function remotely and manually for testing purposes, a more realistic usage would be to trigger a lambda function based on some event. The AWS Lambda service offers lots of ways to trigger a function. If we continue with our example function from part 1, we probably would want to create a file of URLs whose title tags we want to fetch. So the next step would be to upload that file of URLs to a S3 bucket. Anytime a new file appears in that S3 bucket it would trigger our lambda function to execute.

This is what we will work on in future episodes.

Part 3

Use boto3 to invoke another lambda function

Calling other lambda functions

edit lambda_invoker.py
use IAM to update the “fetch_title_role”
zip -9 bundle.zip lambda_invoker.py
aws lambda create-function --region us-east-1 --function-name lambda_invoker --role arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/fetch_title_role --handler lambda_invoker.lambda_handler --runtime python2.7 --profile pylambs --zip-file fileb://bundle.zip


  • use Lambda console to test lambda_invoker
  • use command line to test lambda_invoker


It’s easy to invoke the fetch_title lambda function we created in part 1 using our new lambda_invoker function. Note that both of these lambda functions are using the InvocationType of RequestResponse, so we are not taking advantage of Lambda’s ability to perform functions asynchronously. We would have to use the InvocationType of Event in order to perform many fetch_title functions in parallel. But that would also require us to handle the responses differently. This is where using S3 and DynamoDB come into play … as we will see in future episodes.

Part 4

Update lambda function to detect/use a SQS queue

see: https://github.com/cleesmith/get_html_head_title_tag
use IAM to update the “fetch_title_role” and attach the AmazonSQSFullAccess policy
... to update and re-deploy:
source env/bin/activate
echo $VIRTUAL_ENV ... to show where python stuff is
edit fetch_title.py ... alter code
rm bundle.zip
zip -9 bundle.zip fetch_title.py
cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/python2.7/site-packages
zip -r9 ~/aws_lambda_python/get_html_head_title_tag/bundle.zip *
cd ~/aws_lambda_python/get_html_head_title_tag
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name fetch_title --profile pylambs --zip-file fileb://bundle.zip --publish

added fetch_title_via_sqs.py

This new program does the following:

  • uses uuid to create an uniquely named SQS queue
  • invokes the lambda function fetch_title but asynchronously as an Event
  • waits/retrieves/deletes messages from the SQS queue
  • deletes the SQS queue … as we are all done

test everything works

use a terminal:

cd boto3_test
python fetch_title_via_sqs.py

view the results


While everything works as expected, we are not achieving parallelism because of how we are invoking the lambda function. In the future we will explore using the threading and multiprocessing libraries in order to achieve parallelism. Also, we may explore using a csv/tsv file of URLs to trigger a lambda function from an S3 bucket.

update: July 19, 2016

created fetch_title_via_sqs2.py :

  • add threading for faster lambda invocations
  • limit long polling to a maximum of 3 polls, i.e. 30 seconds of waiting
  • test fetching the title tags for 500 URLs
  • the aws lambda service throttled the 500 invocations, yet they all completed
  • 500 URLs took about 18 seconds
  • the aws lambda service did “scale up” by starting 4 instances/containers with different IP addresses (verified by viewing the web server’s log file)