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What is it?

A proof-of-concept tool that explores what it would look like to have an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) editor that had an az-like user experience. The goal is to see how far people go using an az syntax to configure their IaC w/o the need to touch IaC directly.

However, this also goes with the assumption that evetually some people will need to drop down into the IaC so some design points:

  • only put stuff in the IaC that the user explicitly provided. This means that the IaC should be (sort of) readable by the user since while the syntax while be new to them, the values and properties mentioned are all ones that the user has expressed an interest in. The learning curve is reduced down to "syntax", not "semantics". No wall of ARM/JSON to read just to find the properties of interest.
  • similarly, defaults are not added to the IaC files. Defaults will be applied by the RPs or before the request is sent to the server.
  • as the user runs the az-like CLI, all of the IaC changes are immediately saved to disk and can be checked into git. This means the user can view the CLI differently based on their perspective:
    • an IaC editor
    • a tool that saves a history of their commands so they don't need to remember everything they did to repeat it later
    • a tool the does imperative and declarative management at the same time, if that what's the user chooses - meaning, each az-like command will edit the local IaC files but can (optionally) also apply the changes to Azure at the same time.
  • all output defaults to human readble output, including doing "diff"s. However, the user should be able to ask for the underlying bits if they want to see what's going on. This means, seeing the current IaC files as well as seeing what is sent to Azure (which means the current IaC plus any tweaking (e.g. defaults) that might need to be done).
  • No new IaC files or formats are created. People should be able to use the saved IaC files outside of this tool. The tool isn't meant to be a new UX that people are forced to use, rather it is just there to help people create/manage IaC files.
  • this means that people can, and should if necessarily, switch between the CLI and touching the IaC files directly based on their needs or preferred development style. In other words, touching the IaC files outside of the CLI doesn't break anything.
  • the IaC files currently use the Azure REST JSON, not ARM or Bicep, simply for convinience - no need to convert anything before sending it to the server. It also, keeps things really simple if we don't get into the complexity of Bicep.



$ make

will build a mac, linux and windows version of the CLI tool.


$ azx

is the CLI tool and will provide help text as necessarily

$ azx init

will create a new project in the current directory. Really, this just means it'll creat a hidden directory to store all of the IaC files.


There are a few demos in here (demo1, demo2). They assume some stuff is already setup in advance so read the comments to see how to run each one. There might be some stuff specific to my setup that I missed.

However, look at demo1-output.docx to see a sample output of demo1 so you can see how it looks/feels w/o needing to run it yourself.

The demos are real/live demos, but use a script to do the typing of the commands for you. Use the spacebar to step forward to the next command.


Ping me with comments or suggestions!