
Login password has the mix of numbers and characters, at least 8 digits. There are 70 points for meeting the basic password rule. The rule of adding and substracting points is as follows: 密码至少8位,数字、字母混合, 且数字至少2位. 符合密码基本规则者为70分,加减分规则如下:

• +(总字母数-8) × 4
• +(total digits -8) × 4 例如,12位密码,可加16分
for example, 12 digits password, add 16 points

• +(字母数字元数-大写字母数字元数) × (字母数字元数-小写字母数字元数) × 2
•+(number of characters-number of capital characters) × (number of characters-number of characters in lowercase) × 2 例如,密码中有4个字母,其中1个大写字母,3个小写字母,可加 (4-1)*(4-3)2 = 6分
For example, there are 4 characters in password, among which there is 1 capital character and 3 characters in lowercase. Add (4-1)
(4-3)*2 = 6 points

• -(接连重复(Repeat)字元数) × 2
• -(number of repeated numbers) × 2 例如,密码中出现了 aa,222,则这一项应分别扣 4分和6分
For example, aa and 222 in password. Substract 4 points and 6 points.

• -(接连(Consecutive)数字字元数-3) × 1
• -(number of consecutive numbers -3) × 1 例如,MS39621KYTY,这个密码出现了接连5位的数字,则这一项应扣(5-3)*1=2分
For example, in MS39621KYTY, there are 4 character numbers, thus, substract (5-3)*1=2 points

• -(接连(Consecutive)字母字元数-3) × 1
• -(number of consecutive characters-3) × 1 例如,MS39621KYTY,这个密码出现了接连4位的字母,则这一项应扣(4-3)*1=1分
For example, in MS39621KYTY, there are 4 consecutive characters, thus, substract (4-3)*1=1 points

• -(3码以上的连续(sequential)数字) × 3
• -(over 3 digits of sequential numbers) × 3 例如,MS4567KYTY123,这个密码出现了 4567和123两次三码以上的连续数字,则这一项应扣23=6分
For example, in MS4567KYTY123, over 3 digits of sequential numbers occur twice (4567, 123), therefore, substract 2
3=6 points

• -(3码以上的连续(sequential)字母) × 3
• -(over 3 digits of sequential characters) × 3 例如,MS4345ABCD,这个密码出现了 ABCD一次三码以上的连续字母,则这一项应扣1*3=3分
For example, in MS4345ABCD, over 3 digits of sequential characters occurs (ABCD), therefore, substract 1 *3=3points

In conclusion, through basic rule, total points < 60 :Weak, 60≤ total points<80: Medium, total points ≥80 : Strong.