Application Tracking and Management (Başvuru Takip ve Yönetim)

After downloading the application, this commands: npm install and npm start are sufficient for the application to run.


The app is live now:

App Context

  • React Hooks
  • React-Router
  • Context API
  • Formik
  • Yup
  • Eslint
  • Bootstrap

App Description

Our application starts with the end user filling in a public application form. The user who fills in the form is given a code to track his/her application. From the application status page, the user can check whether the application has been resolved with this code.

Authorized users can view incoming applications from a screen that can be entered with a username and password, write answers to unanswered applications and update the status such as resolved / canceled / pending etc. If necessary, they can access old records.


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