
Technical Steer Committee (TSC)

OpenMessaging Technical Steer Committee TSC

The Technical Steering Committee (the “TSC”) will be responsible for all technical oversight of the open source Project.


Vongosling(@vongosling)(Chair), Alibaba
Dongeforever(@dongeforever), Alibaba
Duhengforever(@duhengforever), Alibaba

Mailing List



In various situations the OpenMessaging TSC shall hold a vote. These votes can happen on the phone, email, or via a voting service, when appropriate. TOC members can either respond "agree, yes, +1", "disagree, no, -1", or "abstain". A vote passes with two-thirds vote of votes cast based on the charter (see 6(c)(viii)). An abstain vote equals not voting at all.

Working Groups

The TSC has created the following working groups to investigate and discuss the following topics:

Working Group Chair Meeting Time Minutes/Recordings
Specification Vongosling
Runtime Interface Vongosling
Benchemark Interface Vongosling
Connector Interface Vongosling

Meeting Time

The TSC meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 8AM. (UTC+8 Beijing):



Project Sponsor TSC Deck Accepted Maturity Level
1.0.0-preview Vongosling 05/09/18 05/10/18 Public Review

Meeting Minutes

If you're interested in presenting at a TSC call about your project, please open a github issue with the request. We can schedule a maximum of one community presentation per TSC meeting.

September 18st, 2018, 1.0.0-preview: Du Heng