
Draft page for acah2021 conference

Primary LanguagePython

ApacheCon hugo site

This repository contains a Hugo based site for ApacheCon.

To install Hugo:

brew install hugo
# or
port install hugo

To test it locally, run:

hugo server -b http://localhost:1313/acasia2022 -F

To generate final site, use:

hugo  -b https://apachecon.com/acasia2022/ -d <destination_directory> -F


How to fix the typos in Session page

If you want to session typos of “https://apachecon.com/acasia2022/sessions/1155.html” You just need to go the file 1155.md in content/sessions directory. If it is chinese version, you just need to update the file of 1155.zh.md.

How can I publish the website to ApacheCon

First you need to write access right of ApacheCon website

Checking out the this repo

git@github.com:alc-beijing/acasia-website.git <source-directory>

Checking out the content of website to

svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/apachecon/www.apachecon.com/acasia2022/ <site-directory>

After doing some modifications on the markdown files, you can use hugo command to generate the website from the source directory

cd <source-directory>
hugo -b https://apachecon.com/acasia2022/ -d <site-directory> -F

Publishing the website

cd <site-directory>
svn ci -m "Publish the website of acasia2022"

How can I modify the content of the main page:

It's under content/_index.md

How can I have translations:

Add new language to the config.toml:

languageName = "中文"
weight = 2

And create language specific version for each content file:


How can I modify the menu?

For simple links, add the menu entry to the config.toml:

(Note: add it for all the active languages)

name = "t-shirt"
url = "https://s.apache.org/apache-tshirt"
weight = -110

The most page links of the menu are generated from the markdown files of content directory. For a page, it's enough to add a menu entry to the markdown (For example content/cfp.md):

title: Call for Presentations
    weight: -300

You can add or remove the links from navigation bar by adding or removing this menu entry.