Duhovne Pjesme Novi Sad 1966

Clone this repository and its submodules

git clone https://github.com/duhovniprojekt/duhovne_pjesme_novi_sad_1966.git

git submodule update --init --recursive

or with a single command

git clone --recursive https://github.com/duhovniprojekt/duhovne_pjesme_novi_sad_1966.git

Add new song repository as a submodule

In the root of the project run: git submodule add https://github.com/duhovniprojekt/duhovne_pjesme_novi_sad_1966_001 songs/001

Creating a new song repository

  • go to https://github.com/duhovniprojekt
  • click new
  • choose a name in a format like duhovne_pjesme_novi_sad_1966_NNN where NNN is a number cooresponding to the song
  • add this repository as a submodule described above
  • cd into new repository
  • add folders mkdir -p musescore pdf
  • save new musescore project as NNN.mscx (uncompressed) in musescore folder
  • export pdf into pdf folder
  • commit
  • return to the root of the project
  • commit new submodule changes

Edit a song (submodule)

Before you edit a song checkout to master branch using these command sequence:

  • cd songs/001
  • git checkout master
  • git pull so you wont have errors like git push origin HEAD:<name-of-remote-branch>