
The documents for SRS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The documents for ossrs.net or ossrs.io.


Please install node, npm and yarn:

brew install node
npm install -g --force npm yarn

Install dependencies:

yarn install

Start local development server:

yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


Build English and Chinese versions:

yarn build
yarn serve

Note: Please see package.json for detail command.

Change baseUrl

$ yarn cross-env BASE_URL='/custom-base-url/' docusaurus build

This command uses '/custom-base-url/' instead of the default baseUrl('/lts/') to generate static content.



The links in docs, relative link, for example:


The links in blog or pages, absolute url link, for example:

[Wiki: Getting Started](/docs/v4/doc/getting-started)
[Developer Documentation](/docs/v4/doc/getting-started)

Note: Please follow this rule, otherwise, the link from searching will fail.


Start en-us site

Start your localized site in dev mode, using the locale of your choice:

$ yarn run start -- --locale en-us

Your site is accessible at http://localhost:3000/en-us/.

Translate site content

Step 1: Translate JSON files

Run the write-translations command:

$ yarn docusaurus write-translations -- --locale en-us

It will extract and initialize the JSON translation files that you need to translate.

The JSON files will be in generated in /i18n/en-us/ path.

Step2: Translation Markdown files

First, you should copy markdown files in "/docs" and "/blog" folder to "/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current" and "/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/current", then translation markdown files.

Environment variable

Name Default value Level Effect
URL "https://ossrs.io" high site url
BASE_URL "/" high site baseUrl
DEFAULT_LOCALE "en-us" high site default locale
REGION "" low use site default config template, config in template can be overwritten by high levle environment variable

REGION Environment variable

NONE: ''

yarn build

Use configs in '/config/default.js'.

  url: 'https://ossrs.io',
  baseUrl: '/',
  defaultLocale: 'en-us',
  plugins: [
        copyright: `<p>©2013~${new Date().getFullYear()} SRS</p>`,


yarn cross-env REGION='zh-cn' docusaurus build

Use configs in '/config/zh-cn.js'.

  url: 'https://ossrs.net',
  baseUrl: '/lts/',
  defaultLocale: 'zh-cn',
  plugins: [
        copyright: `<p>©2013~${new Date().getFullYear()} SRS <a href="https://beian.miit.gov.cn">京ICP备19056366号-1</a></p>`,


our documentation site using Typesense DocSearch. for more details, please refer:using-typesense-docsearch and Search for Documentation Sites

how to enable search on local environment?

  1. start typesense, it's an open-source instant-search engine, that supplies http api service to query items. we choose to Self-Host our own server with:
  yarn typesense
  1. build and serve the documentation site:
  yarn build
  yarn serve
  1. start scraper, which scrapes the site content and indexes the data in the Typesense server:
  yarn scraper

when scraper finished,you can do search in the html.

how to add a new document

add a new document to an existing directory

for example, add a new document (example.md) in tutorial

  1. add document in i18n/en-us/
cd i18n/en-us/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/tutorial/ && touch example.md
  1. add document in i18n/zh-cn/
cd i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/tutorial/ && touch example.md
  1. sidebar config, please refer:https://docusaurus.io/zh-CN/docs/next/sidebar/items
  Add ['tutorial/example'] to the tutorialSidebar configuration item in sidebar.json, please note that not with the .md suffix

Once the configuration is complete, you can see the new documentation in the tutorial directory

add a new directory and documentation

for example, add a new document (mydir/new-example.md) in tutorial

  1. add document in i18n/en-us/
cd i18n/en-us/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/tutorial/ && mkdir -p mydir && touch new-example.md
  1. add document in i18n/zh-cn/
cd i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/tutorial/ && mkdir -p mydir && touch new-example.md
  1. sidebar config, please refer:https://docusaurus.io/zh-CN/docs/next/sidebar/items

add a category sidebar config in tutorialSidebar of sidebar.json, and config items of the subfile

  type: 'category',
  label: 'NewDir',
  link: {
    type: 'generated-index',
  collapsed: true,
  items: ['tutorial/mydir/new-example'],

Once the configuration is complete, you can see the new documentation in the tutorial directory

  1. modify the chinese name of new category
run: yarn docusaurus write-translations -- --locale zh-cn
when finish, modify the i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json file's 'NewDir' to your expected chinese name.


See versioning guide here.

  1. First, make sure the current docs version (the ./i18n/en-us/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current directory) is ready to be frozen.
  2. Enter a new version number.
yarn run docusaurus docs:version 4.2.0
  1. change the current version label in docusaurus.config.js file
        docs: {
          path: 'i18n/en-us/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current',
          sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
          // Please change this to your repo.
          editUrl: ({ versionDocsDirPath, docPath, locale, version }) => {
            return 'en-us' == locale
              ? `https://github.com/ossrs/srs-docs/edit/main/${versionDocsDirPath}/${docPath}`
              : `https://github.com/ossrs/srs-docs/edit/main/i18n/${locale}/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/${version}/${docPath}`;
          // lastVersion: 'current',
          lastVersion: versions[0],
          versions: {
            current: {
+              label: `4.3.0 🚧`,
-              label: `4.2.0 🚧`,
          remarkPlugins: [require('mdx-mermaid')],