
MicroCRM is to tracking these potential contacts as what TaskPaper is to GTD - dead simple. MicroCRM (CRM stands for Client Relationship Management btw) is really cool because of what I’ve come to define as “progression.” Basically, you add Leads into MicroCRM - people who have the potential to be a future client. Once you’ve landed some work with that client, you then move them into a Jobs category. When the job is finished, that person is progressed into a final Invoices section. Once the cash is in hand, the contact is then removed from MicroCRM, thus removing the need to manage that individual anymore. It’s incredibly easy to use.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


MicroCRM is to tracking these potential contacts as what TaskPaper is to GTD - dead simple. MicroCRM (CRM stands for Client Relationship Management btw) is really cool because of what I’ve come to define as “progression.” Basically, you add Leads into MicroCRM - people who have the potential to be a future client. Once you’ve landed some work with that client, you then move them into a Jobs category. When the job is finished, that person is progressed into a final Invoices section. Once the cash is in hand, the contact is then removed from MicroCRM, thus removing the need to manage that individual anymore. It’s incredibly easy to use.

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