
Open Source Python interpreter in 1 file

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

pocketpy: python interpreter in 1 file

GitHub GitHub release

English | 简体中文

pkpy is a lightweight(~8000 LOC) Python interpreter for game engine/apps, built on C++17 with STL.

It is extremely easy to embed. Including a compiler and a bytecode virtual machine. All of them are available in a single header file pocketpy.h, without external dependencies.

Please see https://pocketpy.dev for details or try Live Demo.

Quick start

Download the pocketpy.h on our GitHub Release page. And #include it in your project.

Compile flags

To compile it with your project, these flags must be set:

  • --std=c++17 flag must be set
  • Exception must be enabled
  • RTTI is not required

!!! For maximum performance, we recommend to use clang++ with -O2 flag. !!!


#include "pocketpy.h"

using namespace pkpy;

int main(){
    // Create a virtual machine
    VM* vm = new VM();
    // Hello world!
    vm->exec("print('Hello world!')", "main.py", EXEC_MODE);

    // Create a list
    vm->exec("a = [1, 2, 3]", "main.py", EXEC_MODE);

    // Eval the sum of the list
    PyObject* result = vm->exec("sum(a)", "<eval>", EVAL_MODE);
    std::cout << CAST(int, result);   // 6
    return 0;


Name Example Supported
If Else if..else..elif YES
Loop for/while/break/continue YES
Function def f(x,*args,y=1): YES
Subclass class A(B): YES
List [1, 2, 'a'] YES
ListComp [i for i in range(5)] YES
Slice a[1:2], a[:2], a[1:] YES
Tuple (1, 2, 'a') YES
Dict {'a': 1, 'b': 2} YES
F-String f'value is {x}' YES
Unpacking a, b = 1, 2 YES
Star Unpacking a, *b = [1, 2, 3] YES
Exception raise/try..catch YES
Dynamic Code eval()/exec() YES
Reflection hasattr()/getattr()/setattr() YES
Import import/from..import YES
Context Block with <expr> as <id>: YES
Type Annotation def f(a:int, b:float=1) YES
Generator yield i YES
Decorator @cache YES


All kinds of contributions are welcome.

  • Submit a Pull Request
    • fix a bug
    • add a new feature
  • Open an Issue
    • any suggestions
    • any questions

Check our Coding Style Guide if you want to contribute C++ code.


  • cpython

    The official implementation of Python programming language.

  • byterun

    An excellent learning material. It illustrates how Python's virtual machine works.


pkpy is licensed under the MIT License.