
Digital collections and repository interfaces for Duke University Libraries.

Primary LanguageRuby


Digital collections and repository interfaces for Duke University Libraries.

Included in this repository is a Vagrantfile and related shell script for setting up a standard Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit VM provisioned as a development environment for the ddr-public and the dul-hydra projects.

NOTE: If you already have a copy of this VM installed or running you should shut down the VM and reprovision using the latest Vagrantfile. You can then skip to Step 6 under "Getting Started with DDR-Public." If you have already set up DDR-Public you should shut down jetty and then start at "Getting Started with DUL-Hydra"

cd tripod3
vagrant halt
git fetch
git pull --rebase
vagrant reload --provision

Getting Started with DDR-Public

To get started with this VM for developing DDR-Public:

  1. If it is not already installed, download and install VirtualBox

  2. If it is not already installed, download and install Vagrant

  3. If you do have not already done so, clone this tripod3 git repository to your workstation:

    $ git clone git@github.com:duke-libraries/tripod3.git
  4. Clone the ddr-public git repository in the tripod3/ directory.

    NOTE: I think we will each need to clone our own copy of the ddr-public application so that the vagrant setup and our ddr-public development work can be managed separately in git.

    $ cd tripod3
    $ git clone git@github.com:duke-libraries/ddr-public.git
  5. Create your VM using Vagrant (this takes minutes):

    $ vagrant up
  6. Connect to your Ubuntu VM:

    $ vagrant ssh
  7. Change to the ddr-public application directory shared between the VM and your computer:

    $ cd /vagrant/ddr-public
  8. Create a gemset for the project:

    $ rvm gemset create ddr-public
  9. Create .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset setting files by running the following command:

    rvm --ruby-version use 2.1.5@ddr-public
  10. There are a number of sample configuration files you will need to copy and rename for your development environment. In ddr-public/config copy and rename the following files to remove ".sample". These are located in /config


    For example:

    $ cd config/
    $ cp log4r.yml.sample log4r.yml
  11. In addition, you will need a number of configuration files that are not in the respository. I've shared these with you via Box in DDR-Public_Config_Files. They belong in the following locations.

    local_env.yml --> /ddr-public/config/local_env.yml
    fedora.yml --> /ddr-public/config/fedora.yml
    solr.yml --> /ddr-public/config/solr.yml
    remote.rb --> /ddr-public/config/environments/remote.rb
    production.rb --> /ddr-public/config/environments/production.rb
    development.rb --> /ddr-public/config/environments/development.rb
  12. In the ddr-public directory run Bundler to install gem dependencies:

    $ bundle install
  13. Create your secret token by running the following command:

    $ rake secret
  14. Copy the generated token from the command line into /ddr-public/config/local_env.yml following "SECRET_KEY_BASE:". It should look something like this:

    SECRET_KEY_BASE: sdfkljgh809g8fd09g8dfojglf
  15. Run database migrations:

    $ rake db:migrate

Getting Started with DUL-Hydra

  1. Clone the dul-hydra repository in tripod3.

    $ cd tripod3
    $ git clone git@github.com:duke-libraries/dul-hydra.git
  2. Connect to the VM.

    $ vagrant ssh
  3. Change to the dul-hydra directory and create a gemset for the project.

    $ cd /vagrant/dul-hydra
    $ rvm gemset create dul-hydra
    $ rvm --ruby-version use 2.1.5@dul-hydra
  4. Run Bundler to install dependencies.

    $ bundle install
  5. Copy the configuration files from the Box directory, DUL-Hydra_Config_Files, into the following locations.

  6. Make a copy and rename the log4r.yml.sample file in the config directory.

    $ cp config/log4r.yml.sample config/log4r.yml
  7. Run database migrations.

    $ rake db:migrate
  8. Start resque-pool.

    $ resque-pool --daemon --environment development
  9. Create a user account for yourself in the Rails console. Replace my email, password, and username with your own.

    $ rails c
    > User.create(email:'cory.lown@duke.edu',password:'password',username:'cory.lown@duke.edu')
    > exit
  10. In dul-hydra/config/role_map.yml replace all instances of my username "cory.lown@duke.edu" with the username you defined in the previous step.

  11. In config/folder_ingest.yml replace cory.lown@duke.edu with your username.

  12. Install and start Jetty. NOTE: If you have already ingested collections do not run rake jetty:clean. This will reinstall jetty and erase what you've ingested.

    $ rake jetty:clean
    $ rake jetty:config
    $ rake jetty:start
  13. Start the Rails server for dul-hydra on port 3000.

    $ rails s --port 3000
  14. You should be able to access the staff interface at http://localhost:3000/.

  15. Log in using your credentials.

Ingest the Michael Francis Blake Photographs

  1. Copy the Blake images to your workstation. Replace USERNAME with your user name.

    $ cd tripod3/TUCASI_CIFS2/dpc-archive/Archived_NoAccess
    $ scp -r USERNAME@repository-dev-01.lib.duke.edu:/nas/TUCASI_CIFS2/dpc-archive/Archived_NoAccess/_in_repository/na_MFB .
  2. Copy the checksum file to your worksation. Replace USERNAME with you username.

    $ cd tripod3/fixity/fedora_ingest
    $ scp USERNAME@repository-dev-01.lib.duke.edu:/srv/fixity/fedora_ingest/na_MFB.txt .
  3. Change the name of the file you just downloaded from na_MFB.txt to na_MFB-TUCASI_CIFS2-sha256.txt to match the checksum file naming conventions now expected by the folder ingest process.

  4. In the file named na_MFB-TUCASI_CIFS2-sha256.txt Find and replace /nas/ with /vagrant/

  5. Copy the METS files to your workstation. Replace USERNAME with your user name.

    $ cd tripod3/METS
    $ scp -r USERNAME@repository-dev-01.lib.duke.edu:/nas/TUCASI_CIFS5/access/images/static/xml/mets/blake .
  6. Log into the staff interface http://localhost:3000/ using the credentials you set up.

  7. Within the staff interface select "New" > "Collection"

  8. In the title field put "Michael Francis Blake Photographs" and then select "Create Collection."

  9. Note the PID in the URL. You will need it later. It looks like "changeme:NNN" where NNN is a number.

  10. Select "DC Terms" > "identifier" and then enter "blake" in the identifier field. Click "Update Collection" to save the changes.

  11. Select "Default Permissions" > "Modify" and then add "Public" to "Read Access" and add "creator" to "Edit." Then click "Save" and click "OK" at the prompt.

  12. Select "New" > "Folder Ingest" and then put "na_MFB" in the "Folder Sub-Path" field. Select the Collection you just created under "Collection." Click on "Scan Folder."

  13. If everything looks OK on the summary screen select "Create Ingest Batch."

  14. Click "Process" to being the ingest. You will have to refresh the page to see the progress. This will take a while. And the process may fail and need to be restarted.

  15. Once the ingest is complete run the following rake task. You will likely see an error because it could not send an email, but the fixity check should run successfully regardless.

    $ rake dul_hydra:fixity:check
  16. Then ingest the metadata using the following command. Replace my BATCH_USER id with the username you set up. Replace changeme:NNN with the PID you noted in step 9.

rake dul_hydra:batch:mets_folder FOLDER=/vagrant/METS/blake COLLECTION_PID=changeme:NNN BATCH_USER=cory.lown@duke.edu

Enter p at the prompt. This will queue a batch process that you can start by clicking "Process" in the staff interface: [http://localhost:3000/batches](http://localhost:3000/batches). You will have to refresh the page to monitor the ingest progress.
  1. Publish the collection by running the following in the Rails console. Replace changeme:NNN with the PID of the collection you created.

    $ rails c
    > col = Collection.find("changeme:NNN")
    > col.publish!
    > col.items.each {|i| i.publish! }
    > col.items.each { |i| i.components.each { |c| c.publish! }}
    > exit
  2. Generate thumbnails by running the following rake task. Replace changeme:NNN with the PID you noted in step 9.

    $ rake dul_hydra:batch:thumbnails COLLECTION_PID=changeme:NNN
  3. Start the public interface.

    $ cd /vagrant/ddr-public
    $ rails s --port 3001
  4. You should now be able to browse the collection in the public interface http://localhost:3001 and the staff interface http://localhost:3000.

Generate Pyramid TIFF Derivatives for Already-Ingested Items

These instructions are for a one-time conversion to PTIF for any TIFF files added before this processing became standard for all ingests.

  1. On local workstation, get the latest tripod3 HEAD for an updated Vagrantfile & provision.sh script

    $ cd tripod3
    $ git pull
  2. Get the latest 'develop' HEAD for dul-hydra

    $ cd dul-hydra
    $ git checkout develop
    $ git pull origin develop   
  3. Restart the vagrant VM with the new provision and ssh to it

    $ vagrant halt
    $ vagrant up
    $ vagrant ssh
  4. Perform the following steps on the VM under dul-hydra

    $ cd /vagrant/dul-hydra
  5. Run $ bundle install

  6. Stop any Resque pool workers currently running

    $ rake dul_hydra:queues:stop

    If that doesn't work, stop them manually with kill -9 \'cat tmp/pids/resque-pool.pid\ and verify no workers are running with ps -ef | grep resque

  7. Create a folder on your workstation to store generated .ptif files. E.g., tripod3/image-server-data

  8. Add the following two entries to dul-hydra/config/local_env.yml

    MULTIRES_IMAGE_EXTERNAL_FILE_STORE: /vagrant/image-server-data
  9. Restart the Resque pool workers

    $ rake dul_hydra:queues:start
  10. Get the generate_ptifs.rb script from shared Duke Box space under Tripod3/dul-hydra and put it on your local workstation, e.g., tripod3/scripts/generate_ptifs.rb

  11. Run the script from the /vagrant/dul-hydra directory:

    $ rails runner -e development /vagrant/scripts/generate_ptifs.rb
  12. View the Resque workers' progress in a browser using resque-web

    $ resque-web -L
  13. Open the Resque Web Console at http://localhost:5678/ . If you click 'Live Poll' at the bottom right of the Overview tab you can watch jobs being added to the derivatives queue and then worked on. Any errors will end up in the 'failed' queue with more info for troubleshooting.

  14. Verify that PTIFs have been created and are stored on your local filesystem. Example path: tripod3/image-server-data/d/b/ba/dbbab856-41da-4c3a-93bb-0b2d5eb1ead9/mfb011.ptif /vagrant/image-server-data/d/b/ba/dbbab856-41da-4c3a-93bb-0b2d5eb1ead9/mfb011.ptif

Installing and Running the iipsrv Image Server

If you are working with a fresh clone of the tripod3 repository, the image server was installed as part of the provisioning process. You may need to start the server.

  1. If the server is not already running, start it with the following command.
 $ sudo lighttpd -D -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

2. Check that you can access the image server at [http://localhost:9000/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi](http://localhost:9000/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi).

*If you are working with an older version of the Vagrant VM or have already installed the image server you have a few things to do to set up your VM before running the provisioner.*

1. On your workstation in the tripod3 project directory, get the latest version of the tripod3 repository.

 $ git fetch
 $ git pull

2. If you have installed the image server or lighttpd already you should clean up a few things before running the vagrant provisioner. In the vagrant VM:

 $ sudo apt-get --purge remove lighttpd
 $ rm -rf /vagrant/image-server/
 $ rm -rf /var/www/fcgi-bin/

3. Run the provisioner to install and configure the image server and other required libraries. From the tripod3 directory on your workstation.

 $ vagrant provision
4. In the Vagrant VM start the image server.

 $ sudo lighttpd -D -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

5. Check that you can access the image server at [http://localhost:9000/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi](http://localhost:9000/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi).

6. In `ddr-public/config/local_env.yml` add this line:

 IMAGE_SERVER_URL: http://localhost:9000/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi