E-Commerce Website Backend Documentation

Commands To run project

  • npm run dev ( should be running continuously)
  • php artisan migrate (once to prepare tables)
  • php artisan serve (To run php project )


The purpose of the e-commerce website backend is to serve as the backbone of the entire online shopping platform, handling essential operations and providing various functionalities to ensure a smooth and secure user experience. The backend is designed to support the following key operations:

  1. User Authentication

  2. Product Listing:

  3. Filtering Products

  4. Cart Management

  5. Order Placement

  6. Order Confirmation

  7. Discount Management

Authentication and Authorization

  • User Registration and Login
  • User Roles and Permissions
  • Middleware for Authentication


  • Displaying Products on the Home Page
  • Fetching All Products
  • Filtering Products by Category, Color, Size, and Price
  • Adding Products to Cart


  • Displaying Categories
  • Filtering Products by Category

Order and Checkout

  • Apply Discounts
  • Placing an Order
  • Viewing Order Confirmation
  • Order Item Details

Discount Pannal

  • Create a New Discount
  • Edit Existing Discounts
  • Delete Discounts
  • Apply Discounts to Products

List of API Endpoints

Authentication Endpoints:

  • POST /register: Registers a new user with required parameters name, email, and password.
  • POST /login: Logs in an existing user with email and password, returning an authentication token.
  • POST /logout: Logs out the currently authenticated user by invalidating the token.

Product Listing Endpoints:

  • GET /products: Retrieves a list of all products from the backend, including details such as id, title, description, price, image, category, color, and size.
  • GET /products/category/{categoryName}: Filters products by a specific categoryName.

Filtering Products Endpoints:

  • GET /products/category/{categoryName}?color={colorName}: Filters products by a specific colorName.
  • GET /products/category/{categoryName}?size={sizeName}: Filters products by a specific sizeName.
  • GET /products/category/{categoryName}?min_price={minPrice}&max_price={maxPrice}: Filters products within a specified price range.

Cart Management Endpoints:

  • POST /cart/{productId}: Adds a product to the user's cart with an optional quantity.
  • GET /cart: Fetches the contents of the user's cart.
  • delete /cart/{cartId}: delete product from cart.
  • patch /cart/{cartId}: edits cartItem quantity,color,size.

Discount Panel Endpoints:

  • GET /discounts: Retrieve a list of all available discounts with their details.
  • POST /discounts/create: Create a new discount with details like discount name, value, type (percentage or fixed amount), start date, and end date.
  • PUT /discounts/{discountId}/edit: Update an existing discount with new details like discount name, value, type, start date, and end date.
  • DELETE /discounts/{discountId}: Delete an existing discount.
  • POST /discounts/{discountId}/products: Apply the discount to specific products. The request should contain an array of product IDs to which the discount will be applied.

Order Placement Endpoint:

  • POST /order: Places an order with required parameters shipping_address, billing_address, and payment_details.

Order Confirmation Endpoint:

  • GET /order/{orderId}: Fetches the details of a specific order using the orderId.

Database Schema:

The database schema represents the structure of the database, including the tables, their relationships, and the fields with their corresponding data types. In the e-commerce website backend, we have the following tables and relationships:

  1. Tables and Relationships:

Users Table:


  • id (Primary Key)
  • name (String)
  • email (String, Unique)
  • password (String)
  • created_at (Timestamp)
  • updated_at (Timestamp)

Products Table:


  • id (Primary Key)
  • title (String)
  • description (Text)
  • price (Decimal)
  • image (String)
  • category (String)
  • color (String, Nullable)
  • size (String, Nullable)
  • created_at (Timestamp)
  • updated_at (Timestamp)

Categories Table:


  • id (Primary Key)
  • name (String)
  • created_at (Timestamp)
  • updated_at (Timestamp)\

Carts Table:


  • id (Primary Key)
  • user_id (Foreign Key to Users Table)
  • product_id (Foreign Key to Products Table)
  • quantity (Integer)
  • created_at (Timestamp)
  • updated_at (Timestamp)

Orders Table:


  • id (Primary Key)
  • user_id (Foreign Key to Users Table)
  • shipping_address (String)
  • billing_address (String)
  • payment_details (String)
  • total_price (Decimal)
  • created_at (Timestamp)
  • updated_at (Timestamp)

Order_Items Table:


  • id (Primary Key)
  • order_id (Foreign Key to Orders Table)
  • product_id (Foreign Key to Products Table)
  • quantity (Integer)
  • price (Decimal)
  • created_at (Timestamp)
  • updated_at (Timestamp)

Discounts Table:


  • id (Primary Key)
  • discount_name (String)
  • discount_value (Decimal)
  • discount_type (Enum: percentage, fixed_amount)
  • start_date (Timestamp)
  • end_date (Timestamp)
  • created_at (Timestamp)
  • updated_at (Timestamp)

Discount_Products Table:


  • id (Primary Key)
  • discount_id (Foreign Key to Discounts Table)
  • product_id (Foreign Key to Products Table)
  • created_at (Timestamp)
  • updated_at (Timestamp)
  1. Relationships:
  • One-to-Many Relationship: Users can have multiple carts, orders, and order items. Each cart, order, and order item belongs to a single user.

  • Many-to-Many Relationship: Products can belong to multiple categories, and categories can have multiple products.

  • This relationship is facilitated by the "category_product" pivot table, which stores the product_id and category_id.