"Some books leave us free and some books make us free." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Kamu is an application that focus on managing a physical library where you can add books, borrow and return them.
- Python 3.6+ for Django backend
- Node.js 6.10+ for frontend assets
Here is a quick step-by-step minimal setup, to get the app up and running in your local workstation:
To install node.js and its package manager npm
you can either download it from the node.js homepage or use a package manager like:
brew install node
port install nodejs
Create Python virtual enviroment:
python3 -m venv venv
Activate virtual enviroment (this command can change based on OS):
source kamu/bin/activate
Install backend dependencies using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install frontend dependencies using npm:
npm install
Create database tables:
python manage.py migrate
Create a super user:
python manage.py createsuperuser
You will use this super user to login as administrator in your local kamu application.
Seed the database with initial dump data:
python manage.py loaddata dump_data/*.json
Start your local server:
npm run-script start
Now just go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser :)
For setup local with authenticate with Okta Preview: Use the "OKTA_METADATA_URL='url-of-okta-saml'" concatenating with the python's commands:
OKTA_METADATA_URL='url-of-okta-saml' npm run-script start
OKTA_METADATA_URL='url-of-okta-saml' python manage.py migrate
Another way is to export the var and then execute the commands:
export OKTA_METADATA_URL='url-of-okta-saml'
npm run-script start
python manage.py migrate
In case of need authenticate without Okta preview again, execute:
The cronjobs use Unix's crontabs, so it doesn't run on Windows systems.
If you want to run the cronjobs you need to configure the following environment variables, used to send the email reminders:
export DJANGO_EMAIL_HOST=localhost
export DJANGO_EMAIL_CRON_FROM=example@domain.com
To setup the cronjobs run:
python manage.py crontab add
Once you run that command it will register the cronjob with a hash. The SO will begin to execute the job according to the configuration, even if you shutdown the machine, when you start it again the cronjobs will begin to execute again.
To remove (and stop) the jobs execute:
python manage.py crontab remove
To show the current jobs running execute:
python manage.py crontab show
To run immediately execute:
python manage.py crontab run hash-of-the-cronjob
If there's a problem during the job execution it will create a text in /var/mail/username that contain the error message. Most errors will come because the env vars are not set globally, due to the fact that crontab run in its own session.