
Stuff from the rust concurrency book

naive hashmap


cargo new naive_hashmap --lib

Testing as you go

Test as you go by leaving the added-deps.txt out of Cargo.toml, otherwise it won't compile

the afl part

The book isn't clear on this, we need to install afl.

rust-fuzz and afl page

cargo install afl
cargo install --force afl

Once it's installed, we only need the following file to build an afl bin for this project

  • src/bin/
cargo afl build --release

Be sure you have the relevant files in resources/in/ then we can run with

cargo afl fuzz -i resources/in/ -o resources/out/ target/release/naive_interpreter

You're likely to get errors at first which can be fixed. Be sure to backup each file it says to edit

This way you can roll back your changes

  • Make sure to backup the values of scaling_governer for each cpu prior to changing
  • Note one of the instructinos tells you to scaling_factor to "performance" for cpus which allows the fuzzer to start, and the suggested rollback is "ondemand", however, on ubuntu 18, i got errors that this was an invalid value; on ubuntu 18 the default is "powersave"