
For the code behind the eyes here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9V43iSXRQA

Primary LanguageC++


For the code behind the eyes here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9V43iSXRQA

The main gyst of this code is to read button pushes (contact closures) from a controller to change patterns in Adafruit's Neopixel Array.

For details on the Hardware behind it see here https://www.deviantart.com/dukeofdummies

This current eye pattern is one strand in this orientation

             56 49 42         19 12 5 
          61 55 48 41 35   26 20 13 6  0
          60 54 47 40 34   27 21 14 7  1
          59 53 46 39 33   28 22 15 8  2
          58 52 45 38 32   29 23 16 9  3
          57 51 44 37 31   30 24 17 10 4
             50 43 36         25 18 11

all patterns are going to start with a blast of black or yellow, followed by targeted changes to pixels, and thenb a final push to show the result.

every expression also has a positive number associated with it in the "expression" variable. If we're already expressing the expression, the code shouldn't do anything. (this saves on quite a bit of power) Each expression is associated with a number.

The general pattern will look like this

if (expression != 4) //Name of pattern expression = 4; Blast(black) EyesArray.setPixelColor(pixelyouwant, coloryouwant); [repeat the previous line for as many times as needed] EyesArray.show();