
No sound on Minilogue XD

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I tried the pre-compiled files and also just compiled my own for the minilogue XD. I tried multiple FMxx osc, and it doesn't seem to matter whether I upload a mnlg/ntk/prlg file to the synth. There's no sound.
Changing any of the parameters has no effect - still no sound. I also tried multiple voices (poly/mono/duo/unison).
Nothing seems to make a difference.

What's wrong here?

snkws commented

Same here, unfortunately.

Simply use the Web App:
Don't forget to upload the DX7 sysex banks, without them, FM64 does nothing...

Thanks, got it working yesterday evening. Is there any way of making the osc files locally instead of using the web app? I tried using the FM64.sh sysex injector but couldn't make it work.

Yes, you have to use FM64.sh, I didn't try it, I always use the web app...

Was digging through some posts on the gearslutz thread. This seems to be it (haven't tested it yet):

./FM64.sh A.mnlgxdunit B.syx C.syx

A being the osc compiled file
B/C being the sysex DX7 banks.