
Repository of global and local flags and datasets with info about countries, areas, territories, regions, etc.

MIT LicenseMIT


Repository of global and local flags and datasets with info about countries, areas, territories, regions, etc.

Repository structure


The folder contains flags of countries, territories, unions, and etc. Also in the folder you can find info.csv with names, population, and flag paths
Sources: official UN reports, and wikipedia


The folder contains flags of the U.S. states. Also in the folder you can find info.csv with names, capitals, largest cities, population, and flag paths
Source: wikipedia


The folder contains flags of german administrative states. Also in the folder you can find info.csv with names, capitals, area (km.), population, and flag paths
Source: wikipedia


The folder contains flags of italian regions. In the folder you can find info.csv with names, capitals, area (km.), population, and flag paths
Source: wikipedia

Convert SVGs to PNGs

Run the following command from a folder with images


for file in *.svg; do inkscape $file --without-gui --export-width=1000 --export-png ${file%svg}png ; done