
Motion planning and Navigation of AGV/AMR:ROS planner plugin implementation of A*(A Star), JPS(Jump Point Search), D*(D Star), LPA*, D* Lite, RRT, RRT*, RRT-Connect, Informed RRT*, PID, DWA etc.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Motion Planning plans the state sequence of the robot without conflicts between the start and goal.

Motion Planning mainly includes Path Planning and Trajectory Planning.

  • Path Planning: Based on path constraints (such as obstacles), it plans the optimal path sequence for the robot to travel without conflicts between the start and goal.

  • Trajectory Planning: Base on kinematics, dynamics constraints and path sequence, it plans the motion state to approach the global path.

This repository provides the implement of common Motion Planning algorithms. Welcome your star, fork and PR!

The theory analysis can be found at motion-planning.

We also provide Python and MATLAB version.

Quick Start

The file structure is shown below.

├─gif                     # Animation for README
    │  ├─global_utils     # global planner tools
    │  ├─graph_planner    # global algorithm based on graph searching
    │  ├─sample_planner   # global algorithm based on sample searching
    │  └─local_planner    # local algorithm
    ├─sim_env             # simulation environment
    │  ├─config
    │  ├─launch
    │  ├─maps
    │  ├─meshes
    │  ├─models
    │  ├─rviz
    │  ├─scripts
    │  ├─urdf
    │  └─worlds
    └─user_config         # user configure file

To start simulation, compile using catkin_make. You can directly using this folder as workspace.

cd ros_motion_planning/

Or, we assume that your workspace is ~/sim_platform/.

cd ros_motion_planning/
mv src/ ~/sim_platform/
cd ~/sim_platform/

Edit user configure

cd src/user_config/
touch user_config.yaml

Below is the example of user_config.yaml

map: "warehouse"
world: "warehouse"
  - robot1_type: "turtlebot3_burger"
    robot1_global_planner: "astar"
    robot1_local_planner: "dwa"
    robot1_x_pos: "0.0"
    robot1_y_pos: "0.0"
    robot1_z_pos: "0.0"
    robot1_yaw: "-1.57"
  - robot2_type: "turtlebot3_burger"
    robot2_global_planner: "jps"
    robot2_local_planner: "pid"
    robot2_x_pos: "-5.0"
    robot2_y_pos: "-7.5"
    robot2_z_pos: "0.0"
    robot2_yaw: "0.0"
robots_init: "robots_rviz_init.yaml"
rviz_file: "sim_env.rviz"


  • map: static map,located in src/sim_env/map/.
  • world: gazebo world,located in src/sim_env/worlds/.
  • robots_config:robotic configuration.
    • type: robotic type,such as turtlebot3_burger, turtlebot3_waffle and turtlebot3_waffle_pi.
    • global_planner: global algorithm, details in Section Version.
    • local_planner: local algorithm, details in Section Version.
    • xyz_pos and yaw:initial pose.
  • robots_init:initial pose in RVIZ.
  • rviz_file: RVIZ configure, automatically generated if rviz_file is not set.

Then create a new terminal and build the environment.

cd src/sim_env/scripts/


Global Planner

Planner Version Animation
GBFS Status gbfs_ros.gif
Dijkstra Status dijkstra_ros.gif
A* Status a_star_ros.gif
JPS Status jps_ros.gif
D* Status d_star_ros.gif
LPA* Status lpa_star_ros.gif
D* Lite Status d_star_lite_ros.gif
RRT Status rrt_ros.gif
RRT* Status rrt_star_ros.gif
Informed RRT Status informed_rrt_ros.gif
RRT-Connect Status rrt_connect_ros.gif

Local Planner

Planner Version Animation
PID Status pid_ros.gif
APF Status Status
DWA Status dwa_ros.gif
TEB Status Status
MPC Status Status
Lattice Status Status

Intelligent Algorithm

Planner Version Animation
ACO Status Status
GA Status Status
PSO Status Status
ABC Status Status


Search-based Planning

Sample-based Planning

Local Planning


Date Update
2023.1.13 cost of motion nodes is set to NEUTRAL_COST, which is unequal to that of heuristics, so there is no difference between A* and Dijkstra. This bug has been solved in A* C++ v1.1
2023.1.18 update RRT C++ v1.1, adding heuristic judgement when generating random nodes
2023.2.25 update PID C++ v1.1, making desired theta the weighted combination of theta error and theta on the trajectory
