
System "RestKeeper" [Backend]

Primary LanguageJava

DevOps By Rultor.com

maven Hits-of-Code Lines-of-Code

Project architect: @hizmailovich

Smart and elegant system for restaurants "RestKeeper" [Backend]. See frontend part here.

Problem: Currently, the restaurant business is developing quite rapidly. As a result, the competition between establishments increases, hence the competition for potential visitors, which entails an increase in the requirements for business strategy.

Solution: Use "RestKeeper" to automate your business.

Quick Start

Run this script to start containers locally:

$ sh local.sh


Start page:


Profile page:


Dishes page:


Orders page:


Statistics page:



Address - information about user's address.

Artifact - image object.

AthEntity - information for authentication (email, password, tokens and so on).

Dish - information about every dish.

Order - information about order.

Statistics - information about results of working day.

User - information about employee.

How to Contribute

Fork repository, make changes, send us a pull request. We will review your changes and apply them to the master branch shortly, provided they don't violate our quality standards. To avoid frustration, before sending us your pull request please run full Maven build:

$ mvn clean install

You will need Maven 3.8.7+ and Java 17+.

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