
Simple GraphQL API that serves the product data from a products.json file

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GraphQL Products API

Simple GraphQL API that serves the product data in products.json.

Requirements for local development

  • Docker
  • NodeJS >= 18.15.0
  • yarn


  1. Clone this repository
  1. Make sure you have the .env file, please see the env.example for the values you need to add.

a) Running API app from local

  1. Within the project directory, install dependencies with: yarn

  2. Execute docker-compose up to spin up the database service.

  3. Update .env file for DATABASE_URL, make sure to have localhost as the host and use the external port for the DB.

  1. Execute yarn run db:migrate:db to set the database schema. After you make any changes to the schema, execute the migration again.

  2. Execute yarn db:seed:dev to populate the DB with the initial products from the JSON file.

  3. Execute yarn run dev to start the Graphql API.

  4. Open the browser http://localhost:9090 to star making queries and mutations.

b) API deployment

  1. Stop any previous containers with docker compose down

  2. Make sure to have the correct DB host for the container, in this case is db, the name of the service.

  1. Execute docker compose build and then docker compose up

  2. Open the browser http://localhost:9090 to star making queries and mutations.

Query examples

Once you open the graphical interface:

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a) Find product by id

query GetProductByCode($code: String!) {
  findProductByCode(code: $code) {

In the variables section, add the code value that you want to search.

b) Update a product, in this example, just changing the price.

mutation Mutation($code: String!, $price: Float) {
  updateProduct(code: $code, price: $price) {

If you want to see the database, you can execute locally yarn run dev:studio.

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