
Animating a hierarchy of objects in three.js using separate coordinate frames

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Render Using Coordinate Frames

The animation shows the following dependency among the three main components of the swing:

  • The swing arm is attached to the support frame
  • The wheel is attached to the swing arm

To render the correct animation of these objects,

  • The wheel must be rendered with respect to the swing arm coordinate frame
  • The swing arm must be rendered with respect to the support coordinate frame


In OpenGL we express the above dependencies using the following code:

   glMulMatrixf (__support_frame_cf__);
      glMulMatrixf (__arm_cf__);

         glMultMatrixf (__wheel_cf__);


In three.js, these dependencies are expressed as 'parent-child' relationships:

frame = new THREE.Mesh (____, ____);
arm   = new THREE.Mesh (____, ____);
wheel = new THREE.Mesh (____, ____);

arm.add (wheel);   /* wheel is a child of arm */
frame.add (arm);   /* arm is a child of support frame */

scene.add (frame);

The render loop then updates each coordinate frame as follows:

/* update the coordinate frame */
wheel_cf.multiply (_____);

/* decompose it into its translation, rotation, and scale constituents */
wheel_cf.decompose (vpos, qrot, vscale);

/* update the object transformation matrix */
wheel.position.copy (vpos);
wheel.quaternion.copy (qrot);
wheel.scale.copy (vscale);     /* if desired */

Using Vertex Buffers

In ThreeJS, vertex buffers are managed by the BufferGeometry class. The code sample shapes/cone.js shows an example of buidling an object. The cone constructor function creates only the geometry, it is missing the material setup.

To use the Cone in a THREE.Mesh object, we must supply a material.

var coneGeo = new Cone(40);   // 40 points around the base circle
var coneMat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();  // customize with your own color
var coneMesh = new THREE.Mesh (coneGeo, coneMat);
scene.add(coneMesh);    /* place it on the scene */