These are the lectures, slides, reading assignments, and problem sets for the 'Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift' CS193p course offered at the Stanford School of Engineering and available on iTunes U.
- alexmprog
- andriypohorilko
- BlindDevRussia
- brandonrichardsaz
- dannyfallonIntercom
- danwells
- devrandevEarth
- duliodenisddApps
- eemailme
- ErikCruzSan Diego
- gbalaji84
- gribb1786
- HaoLovesCoding
- hyuncheol
- jayasimha008
- jhcloos
- keenz
- machacked
- makenum
- maxxwell131
- mdhDesign
- megalanathanp
- myko1
- PeaceAndHiLight
- Q-Zhao
- remigijuspVilnius
- rubaietEntrance Logic Systems
- zhangxq5012