- adnaanBerlin, Germany
- adriencarbonneJWTS
- andreis
- BilalhCity of London
- bytheway
- cybersiddhudictyBase
- damonkelley@8thlight
- eybergNanoVMs
- glaxxGermany
- gregbuehlerPortland, OR
- hansrodtangItera
- haseebrWestlake, TX
- hoteiretired
- hovmandAarhus, Denmark
- JackneillEvotrex
- jimeh@krystal
- kmanleyConnecticut
- lukevers@arya-fyi
- marcalcMelbourne, Australia
- michaelhoodCalifornia
- Mparaisompmedia
- mzupanSan Diego, CA
- nemosupremoSan Francisco, CA
- nikolay@withcodery
- oalEpinova
- raphaelcosta@anti-work
- rgarcia@Clever
- rscottfreeUnited States of America
- ryanskidmore@cloudflare
- rzhNetflix
- shelakelSouth Africa
- vedarthk@Recruiterbox
- vsiv
- waitingkuoTaipei, Taiwan
- wtigert@ActBlue
- yulvil