
Scripts used in article 'A simple pipeline for heteroplasmic variation detection of the mitochondrial genome from whole genome sequencing data'

Primary LanguagePerl


Scripts used in article 'A simple pipeline for heteroplasmic variation detection of the mitochondrial genome from whole genome sequencing data'

Use $ git clone git@github.com:duanmq1994/Mitochondrial-variation-detection.git download those source codes or directly download the ZIP.

For the heteroplasmic variation detection

This step suggests that the users align the sequencing data against two references(MT.fasta and MT-8k.fatsa) respectively.
Then the .bam/.sam files need to be kept and used in the following steps.
Or users can creat their own 8k.fasta files using the fa8k.pl.
This script will creat a new .fasta file of mitochondrial genome to eliminate the influence on the head and tail reads because of a circular reference.

  • Use the base_indel_count.pl.
    This script will read the .bam/.sam file (use normal reference and 8k reference respectively) which has been sorted by SAMtools, then output two files: base-count.tsv and indel-count.tsv.

  • Use the 1_8k_merge.pl to merge those two sets of .tsv files.

For the linkage detection

This step also needs users to creat the following results files using .bam/.sam files from two reference.

  • Use the sequences_of_linkages.pl. This script will use the .bam/.sam file which aligned against two reference from heteroplasmic variation detection step. It will creat a primary id-variation.tsv file (intermediate result, should be sorted by sequence_id row).
  • Use the variations_merge.pl to get the linkages-count.tsv file.
  • Use the linkage_classify.pl.
    This script will read the linkages-count.tsv file and output three kinds of linkage files: indels-linkage.tsv, indel-point_variations-linkage.tsv and point-variations.tsv.