
Simple webserver in Java, built for educational purposes

Primary LanguageJava

Jerry Server

Jerry is a very simple web browser done in Java. This project is just a sketch and should be treated as such.


Jerry uses thread pools. No nio here. It relies heavily on Apache's httpcomponents. The project started from the ElementalHttp example from the examples page Also, I couldn't help but get inspiration from Jetty


  • Maven 3
  • java 5 or higher

Building & Running

mvn package to... well, package.

Configuration stays outside so it's easy to change. bin/jerry_server.sh or run the JerryServer class with target/dependency, conf/ and obviously the jar as part of the CLASSPATH if Unix is not your flavour.


slf4j and logback because they're awesome. I started by using log4j 2 just to give it a chance, but it just got to beta.


Maven because it works.


Configuration files are found in conf/.

  • logback.xml - logging configuration; look at the manual if you need help.
  • jerry.xml - server configuration; Allows adding multiple listeners on different ports and with different document roots.


  • Change architecture so it can accommodate something other than httpcomponents.
  • Use netty or something and keep a pool of connections.