QE assessment

HomePage.js - contains selectors and methods relevant to the Home tab

home.test.js - contains WebDriver test steps for Tests 1 - 6

Test 1

  • Navigate to the home page
  • Assert that both the email address and password inputs are present as well as the login button
  • Enter in an email address and password combination into the respective fields

Test 2

  • Navigate to the home page
  • In the test 2 div, assert that there are three values in the listgroup
  • Assert that the second list item's value is set to "List Item 2"
  • Assert that the second list item's badge value is 6

Test 3

  • Navigate to the home page
  • In the test 3 div, assert that "Option 1" is the default selected value
  • Select "Option 3" from the select list

Test 4

  • Navigate to the home page
  • In the test 4 div, assert that the first button is enabled and that the second button is disabled

Test 5

  • Navigate to the home page
  • In the test 5 div, wait for a button to be displayed (note: the delay is random) and then click it
  • Once you've clicked the button, assert that a success message is displayed
  • Assert that the button is now disabled

Test 6

  • Navigate to the home page
  • Write a method that allows you to find the value of any cell on the grid
  • Use the method to find the value of the cell at coordinates 2, 2 (staring at 0 in the top left corner)
  • Assert that the value of the cell is "Ventosanzap"