ROS Visualization is a Docker that delivers a variety of capabilities to help developers build ROS applications and simulations. The container is built on a base of Ubuntu with VNC/No-VNC built-in. The other layers install ROS and build up to simulations like Gazebo and MoveIt.
- Ubuntu 18.04 with Desktop
- VNC/No-VNC on Ports: 5901/6901
- XFCE Window Manager
- ROS Melodic-Desktop-Full:
- ROS Melodic: tutorials cmake, ros-built-toools, ros-melodic catkin, etc.
- Robot Generic Libraries
- 2D/3D simulaters and perception
- Python 3 64-bit
- ROS Gazebo 9 - Robot Model Development and Simulation
- ROS MoveIt - Robot Motion Planning and Simulation
- Tensorflow GPU
See the ROS Visualization Wiki for more information.
- ConSol/docker-headless-vnc-container - developed the ConSol/docker-headless-vnc-container
- Docker-Ros-VNC - provided the very complex VNC integration to Ubuntu, and the basic approach for ROS