What DPI

What is "What DPI"?

What DPI is a simple tool for Android Developers/Designers to quickly find out the screen parameters.

What "What DPI" will tell me?

Basically this app will show you:


Screen Resolution in pixels

Density Factor

Resolution in dp (Density Independent Pixels)

xdpi (Screen's x dots per inch)

ydpi (Screen's y dots per inch)

What are those stuff means?

  1. Density: Android is using ldpi mdpi hdpi xhdpi xxhdpi and tvdpi to represent the screen densities.
  2. Screen Resolution in pixels: yeah, that's your device's resolution in pixels.
  3. Density Factor: To do a conversion from pixel to dp, Android using the density factors, which differs from the screen density. mdpi is baseline screen density, so it has density factor 1.0, then hdpi is 1.5, then xhdpi is 2.0. So 1 pixel on xhdpi equals 1 * factor = 1 * 2 = 2 dp. So as 1.5 dp on hdpi and 1 dp on mdpi.
  4. Resolution in dp: Just showing your current screen's resolution in dp.
  5. xdpi and ydpi: Shows you the Dots Per Inch in x axis and y axis of your screen.