
ScrobbleMe is an easy to use modern Windows Last.fm song scrobbler, the app scrobbles your recently played songs to Last.fm with just one tap, you can also synchronize your loved songs with your Last.fm profile and view your recommended artists, top artists, recently scrobbled and loved songs.

Primary LanguageC#

ScrobbleMe is an easy to use modern Windows Last.fm song scrobbler,
the app scrobbles your recently played songs to Last.fm with just one tap,
you can also synchronize your loved songs with your Last.fm profile and view
your recommended artists, top artists, recently scrobbled and loved songs.

ScrobbleMe currently does not support the default Windows 10 Groove Music
player because Groove Music no longer keeps track of how many times a song
has been played so ScrobbleMe also doesn't know what to scrobble to Last.fm.

| Installation Instructions
1) Install the ScrobbleMe application on your Windows Phone from the store.
2) Set your Last.fm account name and password in the "Settings" tab and login.
3) Scrobble your songs to Last.fm profile by clicking on "Scrobble songs"

| Update Instructions
Please scrobble all your songs before updating to a newer ScrobbleMe version,
when the songs have been reset you can skip all the songs in the "Settings" tab,
After a succesfull ScrobbleMe update please relogin to your Last.fm account.

| Tips and tricks
- For more information and help open the "Help" window or tab in the application.

| Requirements
- Last.fm account to scrobble the songs to.
- Internet connection to scrobble the songs.
- Internet connection to load Last.fm profile.
- Windows Phone operating system 8.1 or higher.

| Support and bug report
When you are walking into any problems or bugs you can goto the support forums on:
http://forums.arnoldvink.com so I can try to help you out and get everything working.

| Donation
Feel free to make a donation on: http://donation.arnoldvink.com

| Changelog
v1.8.5.0 (4-February-2016)
* Miscellaneous application improvements and fixes.

v1.8.0.0 (21-August-2015)
- Added option to show and hide scrobble count on tile.
- Updated ScrobbleMe to work with latest API changes.

v1.7.0.0 (14-February-2014)
- Last.fm data is now also stored offline.
- Added application startup tab option.
- Added settings save on selection feature.

v1.6.5.0 (15-December-2013)
- Added setting to ignore multiple song plays.

v1.6.0.2 (18-September-2013)
- Added option to skip loading Last.fm user data.
- Added batch scrobbling, 50 songs at the same time.
- Added 'Like' tab to view your recommended songs.

v1.5.1.0 (26-June-2013)
- Added option to ignore songs from scrobbling.
- Added top artist page so you can show your top artists.
- Added loved track page, with option to sync loved tracks.

v1.4.5.0 (28-February-2013)
- Added setting to reduce scrobble confirmation popups.
- Added setting to scrobble songs from A to Z or Z to A.

v1.4.1.0 (14-February-2013)
- Fixed white windows phone theme not working properly.
- Added automatic lock screen protection while scrobbling.

v1.4.0.0 (10-February-2013)
! This version will reset your scrobbles so scrobble before updating.
- Changed to new database to increase the performance.
- Fixed some Cyrillic characters not loading properly.
- Added option to skip certain selected played songs.
- Added "to scrobble" count to big pinned tile.
- Added album covers to recently played songs.
- Added total Last.fm scrobbles to recently.

v1.3.0.0 (5-February-2013)
- Updated to new color scheme/logo (Black/Last.fm Red)
- Added ScrobbleMe to the Music + Videos app hub.
- Scrobbles are now sorted on Artist and Album.

v1.2.0.0 (31-January-2013)
- Added songs to scrobble count.
- Added recently scrobbled songs tab.

v1.1.0.0 (23-January-2013)
- Added scrobble delay time support.
- Updated the help page with more tips.

v1.0.0.0 (16-January-2013)
- First official release.