
Socorro breakpad minidump stackwalker

Primary LanguageC++Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


This repo holds the stackwalker binaries that parse minidump files that Socorro uses.

This minidump-stackwalk differs from the Breakpad stackwalk binary in a few major ways:

  1. it includes patches we use for the breakpad library we use to build the crash reporter
  2. it supports multiple HTTP symbol suppliers
  3. it can output JSON

Docker images

Docker images with the breakpad and stackwalk binaries are at:


The latest tag covers whatever is in the main branch.

The other tags in the form of YYYY.MM.DD were tagged that day. See tag comments for changes.



FIXME(willkg): Document this.

For help, do:

$ dumplookup --help


Parses the minidump and spits out information about the crash, crashing thread, and stacks.


$ stackwalker --pretty <MINDUMPFILE>

For help, do:

$ stackwalker --help


States whether the minidump represents a JIT crash.


$ jit-crash-categorize <MINIDUMPFILE>

To build

$ make build

Build scripts

The stackwalker binaries get built in the local development environment and live in the app image in /stackwalk.

If you want to build them outside of Docker, you can use these two build scripts:

  • bin/build_breakpad.sh

    This will build breakpad from source and place the resulting bits in ./build/breakpad.

  • bin/build_stackwalker.sh

    This will build stackwalker.

Getting a shell for minidump-stackwalk

To get a shell to debug minidump-stackwalk, do:

$ make shell

To run the build script, do:

app@socorro:/app$ ./bin/build_stackwalker.sh

vim and gdb are available in the shell.

Things to keep in mind:

  1. It's pretty rough and there might be issues--let us know.
  2. When you're done with the shell, it makes sense to run make clean to clean out any extra bits from minidump-stackwalk floating around.

PGO profile

By default both minidump-stackwalk and breakpad are built with PGO and an appropriate training set is included in the sources.

minidump-stackwalk output

JSON output

Rough JSON output schema:

  "status": <string>,                      // OK | ERROR_* | SYMBOL_SUPPLIER_INTERRUPTED
  "system_info": {
    "os": <string>,                        // Linux | Windows NT | Mac OS X
    "os_ver": <string>,
    "cpu_arch": <string>,                  // x86 | amd64 | arm | ppc | sparc
    "cpu_info": <string>,
    "cpu_count": <int>,
    "cpu_microcode_version": <int>         // optional
  "crash_info": {
    "type": <string>,
    "address": <string>,                   // optional; 0x[[:xdigit:]]+
    "crashing_thread": <int>,              // optional; thread index | null
    "assertion": <string>                  // optional
  "largest_free_vm_block": <string>,       // 0x[[:xdigit:]]+
  "lsb_release": {                         // this section is optional and covers Linux Standard Base information
    "id": <string>,
    "release": <string>,
    "codename": <string>,
    "description": <string>
  "main_module": <int>,                    // index of module in modules list
  "modules_contains_cert_info": true,      // optional
  "modules": [
    // zero or more
      "base_addr": <string>,               // 0x[[:xdigit:]]+
      "debug_file": <string>,              // filename | empty string
      "debug_id": <string>,                // [[:xdigit:]]{33} | empty string
      "end_addr": <string>,                // 0x[[:xdigit:]]+
      "filename": <string>,
      "code_id": <string>,
      "version": <string>,
      "loaded_symbols": true,              // optional; if mdsw looked for the file and it does exist
      "missing_symbols": true,             // optional; if mdsw looked for the file and it doesn't exist
      "corrupt_symbols": true,             // optional; if mdsw found a file that has parse errors
      "symbol_disk_cache_hit": <bool>,     // optional; whether or not the SYM file was fetched from disk cache
      "symbols_fetch_time": <float>,       // optional; time in ms it took to fetch symbol file from url; omitted
                                           // if the symbol file was in disk cache
      "symbol_url": <string>,              // optional, url of symbol file
      "cert_subject": <string>             // optional; entity that signed the module
  "pid": <int>,                            // pid of crashed process
  "thread_count": <int>,
  "threads": [
    // for i in range(thread_count)
      "frame_count": <int>,
      "frames_truncated": true,            // optional
      "total_frames": <int>,               // optional; if truncated, this is the original total
      "last_error_value": <string>,        // optional
      "thread_name": <string>,             // optional
      "frames": [
        // for i in range(frame_count)
          "frame": <int>,                  // frame index; 0-based
          "module": <string>,              // optional
          "function": <string>,            // optional
          "file": <string>,                // optional
          "line": <int>,                   // optional
          "offset": <string>,              // 0x[[:xdigit:]]+
          "module_offset": <string>,       // optional; 0x[[:xdigit:]]+
          "function_offset": <string>      // optional; 0x[[:xdigit:]]+
          "missing_symbols": true,         // optional
          "corrupt_symbols": true,         // optional
          "trust": <string>,               // none | scan | cfi_scan | frame_pointer | cfi | context | prewalked

          "registers": {                   // optional; this section is frame 0 only
            // for each register
            <string>: <string>,            // name is a register name and is architecture-dependent;
                                           // value is 0x[[:xdigit:]]
  "tiny_block_size": <int>,
  "write_combine_size": <int>,

  "unloaded_modules": [
    // for i in range(unloaded_modules_count)
      "base_addr": <string>,               // 0x[[:xdigit:]]+
      "code_id": <string>,
      "end_addr": <string>,                // 0x[[:xdigit:]]+
      "filename": <string>

  // this is a repeat of the crashing thread in the threads list, but the
  // number of frames is truncated to 10
  "crashing_thread": {
    "threads_index": <int>,                // index in threads for the crashing thread
    "total_frames": <int>,                 // total frames in list
    "thread_name": <string>,               // optional
    "frames": [
      // for i in range(frame_count)
        // as per "frames" entries from "threads" above

  "mac_crash_info": {                      // optional section
    "num_records": <int>,                  // number of crash info records
    "records": [
      // for i in range(mac_crash_info_count)
        "module": <string>,                // optional
        "message": <string>,               // optional
        "signature_string": <string>,      // optional
        "backtrace": <string>,             // optional
        "message2": <string>,              // optional
        "thread": <string>,                // optional; 0x[[:xdigit:]]
        "dialog_mode": <string>,           // optional; 0x[[:xdigit:]]
        "abort_cause": <string>            // optional; 0x[[:xdigit:]]

  "sensitive": {
    "exploitability": <string>             // low | medium | high | interesting | none | ERROR: *

Release process

The release process is mostly automated. It handles building Docker images and pushing them to Docker Hub.

This is maintained by Socorro engineers and Socorro ops.

latest image

To trigger building a new latest image:

  1. Land something in the main branch
  2. Wait for a bit and check https://hub.docker.com/r/mozilla/socorro-minidump-stackwalk to verify the new Docker image is there

release images

To trigger building a release image:

  1. Run python bin/release.py make-tag

    I run this with Python 3.8 on my host--not in the Docker container shell. This script should work with Python 3.6 and higher.

    The script uses git to look at the repository state, so git needs to be installed. Make sure your main branch is up to date with what's on GitHub.

    In order for this to work, you need to have authority to push tags to GitHub.

    This will look at the previous tag, figure out what's changed since then, generate a tag name, generate a tag comment, create the tag, and push the tag.

  2. Wait for a bit and check https://hub.docker.com/r/mozilla/socorro-minidump-stackwalk to verify the new Docker image is there


minidump-stackwalk relases are done using CircleCI. Check the CircleCI builds for problems: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/mozilla-services/minidump-stackwalk