- NestJS: A well-structured Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable backends.
- MongoDB: A flexible NoSQL database that stores JSON-like documents, ideal for evolving data structures.
- React: A popular JavaScript library for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
- MUI (Material-UI): A React component library providing pre-built, customizable UI elements based on Material Design.
- Organized Backend: NestJS's structure and dependency injection make building a clean and maintainable backend.
- Scalable Storage: MongoDB scales horizontally, handling data growth effortlessly.
- Flexible Data: MongoDB's schema-less nature adapts to changing data needs.
- Faster Frontend Dev: MUI's pre-built components accelerate UI development.
- Modern UI: MUI ensures a consistent and visually appealing user experience.
** App feature **
- User account creation
- User Login
- Create Todo task
- Update Todo task
- Below steps are needed only for the first time when you setup your dev machine
- NodeJS v18 & Nestjs - NestJS is a progressive Node. js framework that helps build server-side applications.
- Docker & Mongodb - MongoDB is an open source cross-platform document-oriented database program.
docker run -d -p 27018:27017 --name todo-mongodb -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d mongo
$ cd backend
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
This will run on local URL http://localhost:3002
$ cd frontend
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
This will run on local URL http://localhost:3000

- Create Todo

- Login

- TodoList

- Edit Todo