
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Romanian Part Of Speech Tagger

This repo contains code to train a POS tagger on Universal Dependencies' Ro RRT dataset.

It is used to eval transformer language models on Romanian Transformers . Maybe it will develop into a usable model sometime in the future. In the mean time, if you want POS tagging, use NLP-Cube, Stanza or Spacy ;)

Here are the evals on the following models, with default params (except large models with batch_size 1 and grad_accumulation 8)

dumitrescustefan/bert-base-romanian-cased-v1 0.9821 0.9741
dumitrescustefan/bert-base-romanian-uncased-v1 0.9826 0.9728
racai/distilbert-base-romanian-cased 0.9637 0.9255
readerbench/RoGPT2-base 0.8982 0.8015
readerbench/RoGPT2-medium 0.9092 0.8201
xlm-roberta-base 0.9706 0.9581