
Romanian Wikipedia dump that is cleaned and pre-processed, for language model capacity and perplexity evaluation.

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This corpus is a thoroughly cleaned dump of the June 2020 Romanian Wikipedia. It is meant as a reference text upon which to calculate Language Model capacity and/or perplexity.


The corpus is split in three files:

  • wiki.txt.train: 2.1 M lines, 44 M words, 285 MB
  • wiki.txt.valid: 14 K lines, 276 K words, 1.8 MB
  • wiki.txt.test: 16 K lines, 327 K words, 2.2 MB

The text files are articles, sentence-segmented; articles are delimited by an empty line. The corpus contains only the text of articles, not their titles, as the target is to have complete, fully-formed sentences.

The splits contain only full articles. They do not contain all the articles in the June 2020 dump, as many articles were dropped due to being stubs, containing only lists, foreign words/sentences, too many numbers, etc.

How to get

Due to GitHub's maximum file limit, we had to zip and split the files. Thus, in the corpus folder there are three archive parts. To obtain the raw text corpus files, concatenate and unzip:

cat wiki-ro-split-* > wiki-ro.zip
unzip wiki-ro.zip


At this moment, we have performed a zero-shot evaluation of a transformer-based masked language model.

For MLM language models, we calculate the pseudo-log-likelihood scores (PLLs) as defined here. Running mlm score --gpus 0 --split-size 64 --max-utts 1000000 --model dumitrescustefan/bert-base-romanian-cased-v1 --mode ref wiki.txt.test > out.txt source:

On wiki.txt.valid:

Token-level (P)PPL: 9.8506
Word-normalized (P)PPL: 29.0897

On wiki.txt.test:

Token-level (P)PPL: 9.6546
Word-normalized (P)PPL: 28.0043


(Coming soon)