A simple Home Assistant integration that let's you select one or more Bucharest Thermal Points and exposes a binary sensor for each, telling you if the point is currently providing hot water or not(true means you have hot water).
It does this by polling the CMTEB website and searching if there is any information related to your thermal point or not.
- Add this repository to HACS as a Custom repository by following the HACS Documentation
- Go to HACS -> Integrations -> Search for "Bucharest Hot Water Sensor" and add it to HA
- Reboot Home Assistant
- Go to Settings -> Devices&Services -> Click the "ADD INTEGRATION" button and search for "Bucharest Hot Water Sensor"
- Give the entry a user friendly name via the Address name field(e.g. Home)
- Enter the Thermal Point that provides hot water to the specified address(you could consult the CMTEB map to find the point)
- NOTE: Currently the name is case sensitive. So enter the Thermal Point name exacly as it is written on the website.