
ESP32 Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and 4G/LTE Network Router

Primary LanguageC

PCBCrew ™ ESP32 Router

ESP-IDF Project for Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and 4G/LTE Network Router


Note: 4G LTE network routing is still work-in-progress.

How to use example

Hardware Required

PCBCrew Easymeal IoT PCBCrew BLDGOT kWh ESP32-Ethernet-Kit
pcbcrew-easymeal-iot pcbcrew-bldgot-kwh-pcba esp32-ethernet-kit
ESP32-S3 / W5500 / mini-PCIe ESP32-S3 / Wiznet W5500 ESP32-WROVER / IP101

Configure the project

idf.py menuconfig

In addition to the common configurations for Ethernet, you might also need to update the default value of following configurations:

In the Example Configuration menu:

  • Set the SSID and password for Wi-Fi ap interface under Wi-Fi SSID and Wi-Fi Password.
  • Set the maximum connection number under Maximum STA connections.

Build, Flash, and Run

Build the web frontend in the webapp/ folder. For more details, read this blog post: "Creating A Svelte Web Application For ESP32"

Build the project and flash it to the board, then run monitor tool to view serial output:

idf.py -p PORT build flash monitor
