
A Mongoid-like model library for Clojure and MongoDB

Primary LanguageClojure

A No-RM for Clojure and Mongo. Circle CI

Mongofinil reads a declarative specification of your models, and generates a namespaced DSL for that model.

It takes some inspiration from Mongoid, from the Rails world, but attempts to be idiomatic clojure.


    [mongofinil "0.2.17"]


First declare your model:

(ns circle.model.user
  (:require [mongofinil.core :as mongofinil]))

(mongofinil/defmodel :users
  [{:name :admin :default false}
   {:name :login :required true :findable true}
   {:name :bot :default false}
   {:name :emails :findable true :default []}
   {:name :name :findable true}
   {:name :github_access_token :findable true}
   {:name :sent_first_build_email :default false}
   {:name :created_at}])

Now use it:

(require 'circle.model.user)
(def u (user/find-one-by-email "paul@circleci.com"))
(def u (user/find-by-id "a mongo id")
(user/save! u)
(user/validate! u) ; throws if doesn't match the validators
(user/nu {:email "..." :login "pbiggar"}) ; doesnt save in the DB, does validate
(user/create! {:email "..." :login "..."}) ; does save to DB, does validate
(user/set-fields u {:login "..."}) ; atomically set fields
(user/push! u :alist 5)  ; atomically push into arrays
(user/pull! u :alist 5) ; atomically remove from arrays


Sometimes you need to perform actions around each call of the functions mongofinil creates. This typically crops up if one of your models needs to live in a different database to the rest of your models.

You can pass a middleware function as part of your model declaration which will be wrapped around each of the mongofinil functions as they are created.

(defn wrap-with-foo-db [f]
  (fn [& args]
    (somnium.congomongo/with-mongo foo-db-conn
      (apply f args))))

(mongofinil/defmodel :admins
  [{:name :username :finaable true}
   {:name :emails :default []}]
  :fn-middleware #'wrap-with-foo-db)


  • :keyword true returns keywords for keys instead of strings
  • :strings true returns maps with string keys, instead of recursive keywordization
  • :use-refs returns refs instead of lists and hashes.
  • The order of fields matters for defaults. Defaults are run in the order the fields are listed
  • set-fields! returns the new, updated object. Updates refs if necessary
  • dates are always returned as org.joda.time.DateTime objects
  • :sensitive option filters a string or regex from query logs


  • defapi
  • Warn if findable fields don't have indexes
    • Add :unique attribute for findable fields, and warn if the index isn't unique

A plug for our service:

Circle is an easy to use Continuous Integration service for web apps: CircleCI.com
